Redtail Puppy Pages

Live - REDTAIL Puppy Cams - Live

  • Puppy Cam hours 6:00 am to 9:00 pm Pacific time. 
  • When possible, live stream in the active puppy area.
  • Cameras may be off for cleaning or if the puppies are not present.
  • If the camera feed says "missing in action" refresh your page. If it still says 
    "missing in action" after refreshing, the camera is off.
  • Cameras may be off due to poor internet connection; server side or our side.
  • If there is a camera issue, it will be rectified when we have time.
  • If Google tries to direct away from the Nest feed, just reload the page. It may take several times or you may need to restart your browser. 

Great Outdoors Sleep/Potty area
"Missing in action" means the camera is off.

Lone Star Sleep/Potty area
"Missing in action" means the camera is off.